Saturday, March 26, 2011

Yemen's native wild plants: Economic and Environmental benefits

Yemen’s hardy native flora can help fight climate change, provide food and create fuel

11 August 2008

By Sarah Wolff

As most people know, Yemen is in danger of desertification; however, a few native plants are paving the way – literally – by offering new options for ethanol, in-country grain production and a financial boost.

Plants like mangrove and seagrasses tolerate salinated water and have been suggested for use both in preventing desertification and as possible biofuel sources that could enrich petrol-limited Yemen.

According to energy researcher Harry Valentine, such saline-resistant plants can be cultivated in desert areas near oceans, much like northern coastal Yemen and northern Oman. Valentine’s research was published on the Energy Central Network, a web site devoted to both news and scholarly articles about energy.

Plants like these thrive on seawater by filtering out the salt, making them able to survive in desert areas located close to an ocean. Already known for its lush mangrove forests, Yemen could possibly expand them further for use in fighting desertification.

If planted near the ocean, along with other similar plants fed by salt water, these saline-tolerant plants would make sparse areas lush again with their own miniature ecosystems, according to Valentine, who cited a similar successful experiment with saline-tolerant plants in Kenya.

Other plants like seagrasses can be planted on the floor of the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf and then harvested for use as ethanol, a plant-based fuel made by fermenting bio-materials into energy. Biofuels typically are made from complex sugars and cellulose, with previous experiments having used corn, sugar cane and even grasses.

While converting sea plants into biofuel isn’t what usually comes to mind when people think of ethanol, scientists are beginning to see their possibilities.

The well-known drought-resistant Arabidopsis thaliana, also known as thale cress, is another plant that could help Yemen fight desertification. While Arabidopsis thaliana isn’t found in Yemen, scientists already have mapped its genomes in order to identify its drought-resistant properties and apply them to those plants that are grown here.

Arabidopsis thaliana already has been used to produce other crops such as drought-resistant rice and its secrets could be used to help prevent drought regarding Yemen’s edible agriculture as well.

However, plenty of other plants in Yemen already have adapted themselves and have become drought-resistant over time, including several types of wheat. “Most Yemeni plants that grow in the wild are drought-resistant by nature,” explains Yemen’s Minister of Water and Environment, Abdul-Rahman Al-Eryani, adding, “Even sorghum and millet [edible grains] have become drought-resistant in the wild.”

Perhaps if these new salt- and drought-tolerant varieties were planted more often, Yemen could accomplish President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s goal of reducing the nation’s dependence upon foreign grain imports, as it currently purchases 92 percent of its grain from Australia, the United States and Canada.

Yemen still is able to capitalize on its naturally drought-tolerant species that thrive here, such as aloe, juniper and prickly pear cacti, which can grow to enormous sizes. The country has 79 species of aloe alone and aloe vera – whose juice is used for everything from treating burns to being used as a natural laxative – grows prolifically in the wild.

According to folklore, aloe vera even lured Alexander the Great’s troops to the island of Socotra to collect its miraculous sap. Al-Eryani says Yemen is losing out on a multi-billion dollar business by not exporting the precious succulent. “If properly promoted, it could be a significant crop,” he said, “It’s a major crop everywhere except Yemen.”

Al-Eryani further pointed out that frankincense and myrrh, two other drought-resistant plants that are native to Yemen, also could help turn a profit, if planted properly. “Yemen is famous for these plants, so it could create a good market for the local population,” he noted.

Source: Yemen Times

2010 article sheds further light on Yemen's impending water crisis

[SANA'A, YEMEN] Water shortages in Yemen will squeeze agriculture to such an extent that 750,000 jobs could disappear and incomes could drop by a quarter within a decade, according to a report.

Poor water management and the enormous consumption of water for the farming of the popular stimulant khat are blamed for the predicted water shortages, which experts say could lead to the capital Sana'a running out of water by around 2025.

The report was produced by McKinsey&Company, an international management consulting firm, which was charged by the Yemeni government with identifying ten governmental priorities for the next decade. A preliminary draft of the report was released last month (24 September).

Yemen has no rivers, so the main sources of water are groundwater and rain. The study warns that almost 90 per cent of the country's available freshwater is used for agriculture.

"Sana'a, the Yemeni capital, located 2,150 metres above sea level and 226 kilometres from the Red Sea shore, is facing depletion of its main groundwater basin," said Mohamed Soltan, a hydrology expert who manages the city's groundwater basins. "Sana'a will be the first city in the world to run out of water by 2025."

"Random drilling of wells and the misuse of drilling technology are the main reasons for the intensive consumption of groundwater in Yemen," said Nayef Abu-Lohom, vice-president of the Water and Environment Center at Sana'a University. "This, in addition to lack of proper management for water resources, as most of these wells are used to irrigate khat plants."

According to the National Agricultural Research Institution, khat consumes around 6,300 cubic metres of water per hectare, whereas wheat consumes 4,300 cubic metres. In Sana'a alone, khat plants consume 60 million cubic metres of water per year — twice the amount consumed by its citizens.

Khat is widely cultivated because it earns farmers far more than other crops — about five times as much as fruit, for example.

Moufeed El Halemy, co-deputy of Yemen's Ministry of Water and Environment, told SciDev.Net that the national water sector reform plan "will enforce regulations on well drilling, and the efficiency of khat irrigation, among other measures".

He added that the ministry is working on a plan to provide enough water for Sana'a, but that no details have yet been announced.

The Yemeni government's ten-point plan includes tackling issues such as corruption, population growth, gender inequality and infrastructure.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Study on Protective Agriculture : Contraints and Economic Viability

Article on Greenhouse implementation, or 'Protective Agriculture' in use in Yemen. This articles discusses the barriers to economic growth and environmental sustainability present in Yemen today, with a focus on the relationship that greenhouse agricultural production has on these current conditions. Positives and negatives of the current system are discussed and needs are laid-out.

see paper here: